Sunday, February 12, 2012

Book Rose Madder...will they ever make the movie??

Book Rose Madder by Stephen King...I love love love the book and have read it a million times and I want them to make the movie so bad...anyone else think they should or will??

Book Rose Madder...will they ever make the movie??
The problem is most of SK's books make bad movies

His books just don't translate well onto film apart from maybe "The Shining" and "The Green Mile"

Others like "The Stand" were a disaster. Teh stand was especially disapointing for me as I saw so much potential for an awesome movie there, and it is a great story.

My advise - if you really loved the book don't hope for a movie - casue the film will be dissapointing
Reply:I doubt they will, even King himself says that "Rose" is the least read of any of his books.

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