Sunday, February 12, 2012

A rose for emily by william faulkner?

i am writting a research paper over a rose for emily about elements and themes. my themes so far are death and fear of abandonment. anyone have any ideas to where i can find sources to support those themes?

A rose for emily by william faulkner?
Maybe, look into other themes for that book. There's a symbolism Faulkner provides for each of his characters representing different cultures after the Civil War, for example: Emily's father represents the dying Southern aristocracy. You'll find a lot more sources of information defending your point of view here.
Reply:No, not any sources. My personal experience was upsetting when my friend explained this to me. At that time in my life I was very religious, not a relationship with God, and could not tolerate that situation. I opted out of the class and found another teacher.

To me this is just a "glorified", perverted way to promote a fetish. How is this literature and if a story like this was in Hustler, Playboy, Penthouse then it would have been considered filth of the perverted kind.

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