Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Rose For Emily by William Faulkner --- Thesis statment needed?

I am writing an essay for my English 12 class, and we need to come up with a thesis analysing a poem or short story. I chose to do A Rose For Emily by William Faulkner. I NEED A THESIS, HELP!!

A Rose For Emily by William Faulkner --- Thesis statment needed?
In the short story, A Rose for Emily, William Faulkner creates sympathy for Emily through narratation, setting, and circumstance.

This lines up your whole essay.

1. Intro

2. Narration- third person, you can't see why Emily killed him, can sound more sympathetic rather than demented

3. Setting- the South created Emily, made her prideful and alone

4.Circumstance- her father died, her wealth diminishes, Homer wants to leave, etc.
Reply:What does the rose signify for Emily in the book entitled A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner.

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