Friday, February 10, 2012

Every rose has its thorns?

I am having an argument with a friend over who sand "Every rose has its thorns" first. I think its Poison but my friend says it Guns N' Roses because she thinks they have been around longer. Tried looking this up on the internet but the answers changes from site to site. Can anyone give me the truth to this mystery?

Every rose has its thorns?
Deffinetly Poison

and tell your friend to know about what he or she is arguing about before arguing.
Reply:it was poison
Reply:Poison sings the song. My mom loves this band that's how I know this.
Reply:Its poisin. My sister has that c.d and its on there so NOT guns n' roses
Reply:Guns n Roses

Google knows all
Reply:It was definitely Poison.

It was off of the "open up and say ahhh"'s the link to show your friend.

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