Friday, February 10, 2012

Floyd rose bridge SOS!!!?

i am having some problems with my floyd rose bridge. every time i strum, it vibrates and makes a rumbling sound. i was wondering if i needed to tighten something or anything like that.

please help me!!!!

Floyd rose bridge SOS!!!?
Yes they are great when they are set up but DIY can prove problematic. I would suggest you check where the trem is attached to the guitar and check the screws. Also by removing the back plate you should see three springs. Towards the neck side they are attached by two screws, Try tightening them exactly the same amount only a little at a time and see if that helps. If Not it's about 40-50 pounds to get a shop set-up-Rock on!
Reply:Yeah you'll have to tighten up something. Not sure what though - prob screws near bottom or top of bridge.

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