Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rose Bushes?

Can anyone tell me how to make my rose bushes bloom again it was covered with roses and I trimmed the dead ones off and it hasnt started blooming again also when the leaves turn red are they new ones coming in??

Rose Bushes?
You did just right by cutting the dead ones off. Yes, the red leaves will be new flowers. Keep watering, every few days if it is hot, also some kind of plant food (Miracle Gro is what I use) about every 2 weeks mixed with the water. I use 2 tbsp. p/gallon of water. Soon you will have roses again. Good luck.
Reply:Use that Maricle Grow watering spray. 4 realz! It works!
Reply:roses like acidic soil, pour coffee grinds on them, fertilize them, orange peels have worked but kinda tacky, they also like lime... not green limes... but lime as in lime stone... its a white powder... has tons of uses but makes roses go crazy
Reply:Roses bushes do well in moderate sunlight, or at least my mom's do. She has her's right on the side of her house and she waters them just about every warm/hot day. It may also be a climate problem, that is the area where you live isn't suitable to grow rose bushes. But try different things because something should work eventually.
Reply:Yes, the small red leaves are new ones. Soon you will see new buds that will bloom again. Enjoy!


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