Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rose Parade Float Building?

Can you go down and watch them build the floats for the Rose Parade? I was thinking of going down tomorrow (Saturday)

Rose Parade Float Building?
The floats have already been built and they are down to decorating the floats with the flowers. You are able to see this final stage of decorating. There are 4 locations you can go to. Two of them are right next to the Rose Bowl, these are the biggest locations and the ones I would go to first. The cost is $5 for 2 locations and parking at the Rose Bowl is free. They have ticket booths on site. They go from 11am to 6pm on Saturday and 11 to 1pm on Sunday and you need to allow yourself at least 1 hour to 90 minutes for each one. It only takes about 30 minutes to go through each one but there is a line to get into the building.

The other locations is in Downtown Pasadena and in Duarte about 20 minutes away. These are smaller but still have a good number of floats. The Duarte one also charges about $5 dollars for parking.

By Saturday they will be down to the live flowers so they will mostly be complete.

This link will give you all the info you need.

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