Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rose hair help immediately!!?

im about to break my fear and pick up my rose hair, that i've sadly had for over 3 months now.. time to break the fear. jsut one question. and its a stupid one. they dont sense warmth do they? like snakes? in anyway... what are signs that i should start to panic? i really dont wanna end my day with a spider bite, specially from something as frightening as Fred. (the spider) any help would do..

Rose hair help immediately!!?
Rose hair trantulas are very docile I always just made sure mine was well fed before handling her lol also I started out slow only holding her in her tank a couple of inches off the ground I was more worried about dropping and hurting her than getting bit
Reply:I have handled rosehairs a lot, and as long as you are calm, they are calm. I have never been bit by one- they are the calmest tarantula. Yes, they can sense warmth, every animal can sense where it is warmer in one spot, not sure what you mean by the question- being cold blooded, it will naturally want a warmer spot.

You do not need to panic at all- if you panic, they will panic (my friend's rose hair would run towards a scream- it was hilarious, lol).

I would put your hand on the substrate and very slowly scoop underneath the spider. Then raise your hand slowly and hold him- let him crawl around on your hand- if he starts going up your arm, put your other hand in front of him so he goes on that instead.

the more you have him out, the calmer he (and you) will be.
Reply:if your scared of it give it away. you have nothing to be afraid of. You have a bettewr chance of getting bit by a mouse. The olny reason you should be worried is if you allergic to bees.

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