Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Butterfly or dolphin? rose over heart or rose with thorns? what tattoos look better?

i know i just asked a tattoo question, and some think its 'slutty' but thats your choice. i just want one, MAYBE 2, but either way i want them so i can cover them or hide them later if i had to... like lower back.... or in the front, right above/along underwear line

i either want butterfly with design in the back, or just small butterfly in front, or dolphn in front.... and i have a really awsome drawing that i drew of a rose that kinda goes through a heart... idk its hard to explain, id show you if i could, but idk how..... but it would look good in the back..... idk but what would look better?

and dont say dont get one or think bout it mor because you know theyr permanent or w/e i know... and ive been thinking bout it for awhile now, and i probably wouldnt get it for at least a year or 2. but either way im probably gonna get one

not like i want in on my arms or face, or somewhere i couldnt hide on a wedding day, or special day like that....

Butterfly or dolphin? rose over heart or rose with thorns? what tattoos look better?
Tattoos are so personal. I'd never get a butterfly or a dolphin, but that's me. I have a lily and will be getting a celtic knot in a few weeks when I can go to my tattooist (neither of which are everyone's cup of tea).

The best advice anyone who loves tattoos should give you is this: Find a good, reputable, clean tattoo shop. Talk to the person who will be giving you your tattoo. S/he can draw you a design that incorporates the elements that you want (or simply adapt the design you drew) and give you options. They can then make a template that is sort of a temporary tattoo to show you how it will look where you've decided to get it. If you don't like it you can change it. A reputable tattooist doesn't want you to be unhappy, and should be willing to work with you on a tattoo (it's their art!). If they aren't willing to help, or are condescending or make you uncomfortable, go someplace else.

You're putting art on your body for life (or until you choose to pay a bunch on money to have it removed) and you should love it!
Reply:rose with thorns i think its really pretty =)
Reply:i think a butterfly on ur lower back with a little design would B really cute... actually that's the tatoo i want 2 get when i turn 18... but the only bad thing is that most people call a butterfly tattoo on ur lower back a "tramp stamp" but u no wat i don't care wat other people think of me... i'm independent and i've always done things my own way %26amp; that's not about 2 change!
Reply:How about a Rose with thorns on your back just above the under ware line

its a really good tatoo
Reply:I think a rose over a heart sounds very unique and pretty, I've seen a lot of heart tatoos but not one like that.
Reply:how about a Criss Angel logo tatoo
Reply:a heart with thorns
Reply:tatoos are personal and individual whatever you love is what you should get get them all if you cant decide but whatever ever you do remember they are permanent and you should give it lots of consideration
Reply:neither. every teenage teeny bopper out there has one. (I know because I'm the same age as you. *wink*) be original and get a tattoo of a pig or something.
Reply:I am not saying that you will lokk slutty with a tattoo, because I am sure you won't, but please think about the long term , some day you are going to want them removed, and the only way to get them off is to have your skin burned with acid or a laser, so which would be better, perfect skin that you will be happy with 40 yrs down the road, or a tattoo, that you will like for a few years then want to get rid of it, and have an ugly burn mark.

Seriously, go with fake tattoo's they last for days, aren't permenant, and look just as good as the real ones.
Reply:well, the drawing you drew would be more speacil to you because you drew it but i'm not saying you should get it...because i dont want to lecsure you......but tattoos give you ink posinning which is not good!! because the ink gets into your bloodn and gives you ink posinning!! also it hurts,and if you want a risk of dieing just for a stupid tattoo then go ahead!!
Reply:I would wait at least 14 years. You change your perspectives a lot in your twenties. I considered getting a tattoo about 50 times in my twenties (and 50 times not getting a tattoo) before settling down with a more solid view of myself at 30, realizing that I was glad that I never got one.

If you can't wait, then make it something watery: dolphins, fish, moray eels, that sort of thing.
Reply:ok do what ever you want hunn, it's your body and you make it how you want. i like the idea of a dolphin cos thats my absolute fav. animal and im most likely gonna get a dolphin tattoo and it will most likely be my TRAMP STAMP as many call it (when you get a tattoo on your lower back)... i also like the rose with the thorns... the rose and heart one sounds very very cute... make your tat something you will like in the long run.... GOOD LUCK...

you wont be slutty at all with a tat if your get it in an usual spot for most people. i have a good friend who is getting PHAT writtin along her ***... get it?? phat as in cool but it'll be sayin phat *** as in fat ***!!! hard to explain so i'll top... GOOD LUCK ON CHOOSING YOUR TATTOO CHICA...
Reply:sounds cute. how old are you though?
Reply:Well, to answer your question honestly, I first have to say that I don't like any of those, bc they're all trite. All 3. If you want it to be personal, I think you should make it something that is more unique to you and that either applies to this time in your life specifically or that will always apply to you. The only way I personally would like any of those would be if they represented you, someone you know, or something in your life (like the dolphin could be your playfulness, your best friend, or the fact that you're a swimmer; the butterfly could be that you can't be captured, or your need to fly away; the rose's thorns over your heart are what guard it from hurt. Etc.

Second, it would be helpful of you to scan the drawings into your computer and then post online and give us a link.

Sorry, I know that's not the answer you were looking for, but it was the only honest one I could give.
Reply:i love the idea of the rose and heart and the rose with thorns.

i want a tattoo too i want a rose with a mini butterfly landing on it idk lol but i love the rose idea.
Reply:tattoos are great. come up with a more original design!! unique to you.
Reply:i think you should get a small butterfly outlined in black i would probably know this because i have grown up in the tattooing world!!!!!!
Reply:i won't get a tattoo. they ruin your skin and posin your bloodstream because you are just injection your bloodstream with ink. when you are older do you think you would still like that tattoo? at age 80 would you likie it? tattoo's look trach, many guys and girls find them as a big turn off. just think about that and i truly hope you make the best desision.

{butterfly and or rose over heart}

tattoo's don't look slutty, just messy.
Reply:My goodness.

Please do not get a tattoo of anything you have mentioned above.

Because after you do, you'll realize that about a billion people have the same tattoo as you.

Come up with something more original, something that means something to you.

If I would have gotten tattoos of everything I wanted when I was 16, I would be kicking my own *** right now.

Dental Implants

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