Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Should I give him a rose for Valentines?

At my school, we can buy roses and eithr send them anonymously or with our name to someone. I've known a boy since I was in Grade 2, or before I can't remember, but he always used to make fun of me etc..

But now im in Grade 10, we talk every now and then, not good friends but still friends, I've never had the courage to say how I feel, and I think a rose should do the trick..

Should I send him a rose with my name on it for Valentines? (we cant choose the colour of the rose, we just get red)

Should I give him a rose for Valentines?
I really think that's sweet. I know what you mean. Dont expect him to ask you out or express whatever emotions he has cause you might get hurt.

I'd advice you to give him the rose (if girls at ur sch will be giving guys roses too) with your name on it! You know whats nice? Its to let the one you love KNOW you're loving him :) It takes this huge weight off your heart (whether or not it bears fruit at the end).

Also know, that for a girl to give a guy a rose, to even confess! That takes so much of courage! %26amp; not every girl can do that. Who says only guys can give roses? Only guys can confess.

If you never hear from him, wow, ITS HIS LOSS. Dont feel bad %26amp; dont regret. You did what u had to do %26amp; the rest is up to him :)

I'm so very proud of you hun, go for it! :) All the best!
Reply:Sure, that's sweet.
Reply:Definetly. We had that when I was in high school, and I had a crush on a boy, but didn't have the courage to send him one. I regretted it afterwards, and if you don't have the courage to, it'll definetly be a way to start that awkward "I kinda have a thing for you" conversation b/c he will probably ask you/say something about it.

Good Luck!
Reply:If gals traditionally send roses at your school, then yes. If only guys usually send them, I'd find another way to let him know.
Reply:no, let him do it instead. it's kind of awkward for you to give him a rose even if it means you knew each other since then. offering flowers is definitely a "guy thing" esp. this valentine's. you know what I mean? I find this question weird.
Reply:Unless the guy is a real piece of work, the fact you have done something should impress him. I would be happy to receive a rose! Unlike many of the "what do women consider the best present" answers on here where a specific expensive perfume is considered the ultimate gift etc, men are surprisingly simple and will be happy that somebody thinks of them enough to do or give anything!
Reply:I wouldn't only because it sounds like you already have feelings for him and a rose is a pretty strong statement. If he's seeing someone or lots of someones and he doesn't reply or acknowledge the rose/you, you're going to end up hurt. Just walk away.
Reply:we have that at our school :) yes its a very sweet idea.. go for it :D

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