Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rose Bush problem?

My rose bush has lots of brown spots on leaves, although roses seem fine, what should I do

Rose Bush problem?
At this link, you will find all the pests and diseases of roses and their controls:
Reply:Sounds as if you have black spot, well not you, the rose.

Anyway, remove all affected leaves and make sure you clean up those that have fallen to the ground as well. Don't put them onto your compost heap, throw them out or burn them.

It is too late in the season for sprays to have any effect now. The spores of black spot live in the soil over winter and as things start to warm up next season they will explode and land on your lovely new growth, again not you personally, your rose. :-)

So next spring start to spray the new growth before the spots appear, follow the instructions on the bottle of whichever fungicide that you choose for rates of spraying etc and see how you rose manages.

Some rose varieties are particularly susceptible to fungal diseases so if your rose continues to suffer badly I would bite the bullet, dig it up and choose one that is resistant. Bear in mind that you should not replant another rose in the same soil or it may suffer what is know as rose sickness.
Reply:You need Ortho's Systemic Rose Food and Spray. It sounds like sunburn or blackspot; and both can be taken care of with these products, available at nurseries and big box stores. Take the black leaves off and throw them in the garbage; do not compost them. Give your roses a good feed and a spray of the fungicide, and make sure you have watered well first. Follow the directions on the products and then your rose will be protected until next year when it leafs out again. This treatement lasts for six weeks. Depending upon where you live, it almost time for them to go into dormancy anyway.
Reply:every week spray a fungicide on them.then clear the old leaves off the ground the roses and dispose of them. keep spraying until they go dormant.

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