Sunday, February 12, 2012

Should rose buds that have bloomed and are dry be pruned off the bush immediately?

I planted some rose bushes 2 weeks ago and the buds that were there when i bought them have bloomed fully and are now dried out and limp. Do i prune them or let them fall on their own?

Should rose buds that have bloomed and are dry be pruned off the bush immediately?
Yes. They not only look ugly but they are also wasting energy from the plant which is going to try to make seeds from them. Snip them off or pick them off and you will get a lot more buds and flowers (called "deadheading" when you get rid of the old blooms).
Reply:yes you always want to deadhead them. Also take the hips off if any that we forgotten appear. They waste the plants energy and you will get less flowers.
Reply:It's called deadheading. Prune dried bloom back to the first place you see another bud coming.
Reply:Yes, in fact remove them before they are completely dry. Take a mason jar or mayonnaise jar and add about a cup of canola oil. Add the petals to the oil and allow to age for a few weeks. Strain the petals out of the oil and you will have a wonderful skin/massage oil. The practical reason for removing or deadheading is that if you allow the roses to begin to go to seed, all bloom with stop. The plant will put its energy into making rose hips rather than flowers.
Reply:Have had roses a long time and dead-heading them will keep blooms on the bushes until the first frost of Autumn. Dead-heading is also good for other flowers that have a long growing season, for example Coriopsis, Chrysanthemums, Zinnias, Petunias, Purple Cone flower......just to name a few.
Reply:Yes, remove them (it's called "deadheading") if you find them unslightly. You can clip them off or often just pop them off with your fingers. However, the longer they are left the more likely they are to develop 'rosehips' which are a great source of calcium and are used in a variety of ways
Reply:Yes prune them back to the next outward facing bud. I have posted a link for you to read. It gives very good detail on how to prune.
Reply:Prune them off. It will help the bush put it's energy into more blooms.
Reply:Prune them back to just above the first set of leaves with 5 leaves on them. Doing so will stimulate new growth.
Reply:yes-so the bush will keep flowering
Reply:they should be pruned from the plant but it does not have to be immediate. It will help control disease , improve flowering and the appearance.
Reply:cut them down at a 90 degree angle with a sharp blade. this promotes more growth. buy a book on roses or take a class from your local nursery -deadheading is easiest problem to solve with roses.

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